The Joy is in the Journey

That isn't a very motivating or uplifting catch-phrase for a blog about life adventures, is it? But it got me thinking. No hikes, or other interesting thing happened to me this past week. It was just some regular ole chores, tying up loose ends, and the dreaded paperwork. But mixed in there were a few tentative plans for future adventures.
It was in those times of planning for what is to come, I realized how excited I became. Yes, I talk non-stop about my AT thru-hikes and my books. I am proud of them and excited about them - the summit, the end results. But as I look back it wasn't the finalés that brought me the most joy, even though those endings were and still continue to show the most emotion, the true joy was in the journey. Sure, that's a cliché. But, it's true.
I think all the emotion that exploded on top of Katahdin that day, September 9, 2015 was not because I was at the top of a mountain with my husband, family, and friends, rather an accumulation of all the challenges and joys that I went through to get to that spot. And this week while planning for another, much smaller adventure - one night, not six months of nights - I was so thrilled. It's only one night, but still, the heart is thumping louder, the mind is focused, and the eyes radiate what the soul wants - ADVENTURE!!!
It doesn't matter what the goal is. It is in the doing that we find our destiny. Oh dear, that sounds way too deep. My fingers just typed, giving birth to that last sentence. Not sure what to do with it. I will leave it there for all of us to ponder.
Life is hard, especially today. It is easy to let the humdrum and negativity rob us of life's happiness. So, if the joy is in the journey, then my advice would be to never let the journey end. Before one adventure wraps up, have your next one, or two, or three in the batter's box ready to fill the void that opens after the initial satisfaction of reaching a goal fades away.
You decide what adventure is. Is it learning a new recipe, taking a new class, taking a trip, learning how to balance a checkbook alone, planting fall veggies, figuring out what scripture means, having a baby, getting a kitten, internet dating, etc......... It doesn't matter what it is, just that it is something to make that heart pump a little faster, make the mind work a little harder, and open the eyes to new and exciting things.
Have fun.
Happy Hiking,
Health Habits Update
I don't own a scale so I don't know if I lost any weight this week. I don't I think I did, but no worries. These first few weeks are about lifestyle changes. My addictions are chips, chocolate and soda. I have been soda free for 9 days, I do love my Moxie. it was a rough week of grouchiness and headaches. This week I have added the deletion of chips. So far so good. I did slip and had popcorn.