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The importance of self-care

This time of year I start counting the days til my birthday. Unlike most people my age who seem to dread that reminder date of being another year older, I love it. My arrival anniversary is still several weeks away, but that doesn't stop me from getting excited. As I counted the days til January 10, I was wondering where 2024 went. Sure we still have a couple months left before we ring in 2025, but where did the other nine months go?

For us, we filled our calendar with work, book events, family stuff, a few adventures, and the usual daily grind. This month was supposed to be relaxing for us. On the contrary, it has been hectic and we still have seven more days to go. October has been so taxing, I took a few days off from social media. I had a goal of posting something engaging and of value every day since I began in February. Well. I chose self-care this week instead and left Facebook and Instagram to wonder where I disappeared too. And guess, what? the world of stories, reels, and posts still exists and I survived also.

I even considered skipping my weekly blog post. But, I love to write and consider this part of my life's journey. It is also part of my self-care, something I do for myself and hope that it also touches the hearts of others. I figured if I suffer from a particular thing, then someone else must also. So here I am. I did lax on when I posted though. I try to drop my Thursday blog at 12:01am, but that didn't happen. I would have had to write it yesterday and I couldn't do that. Then this morning I claimed as a self-care day.

Three days worth of dishes sit in the sink as I fixed breakfast. While we ate, I informed hubby I would get to them at some point because after breakfast I was crawling into the Bear's Den - which is my art studio slash writing studio - to paint. I needed time to decompress and to not worry or fret about anything. I give thanks daily for the ability to do so. I know not everyone has that luxury.

No matter what your situation is though, you must take time to take care of yourself. According to a google search, self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical and mental health. I would like to add that we should do things to nourish all areas of our health especial our spiritual health. The article goes on to say, even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have big impact.

This means no matter how busy we are, we need to fit in acts of kindess for ourselves. If you don't have a whole day to devote to yourself as I was blessed with today, then find a moment. Maybe it's a small walk around your office building at lunch. Maybe it's sitting quietly in a sunny window while the kids take a nap. Maybe it's finding an atrium at the hospital while visiting with a terminally ill family member while they sleep. Maybe it's buying a favorite beverage (non-alcholic) before or after work to slowly enjoy as you listen to your favorite song or audio book before starting or finishing your shift. Get creative. But most importantly, have some me time.

Self-care is not selfish. It is just the opposite. There is no way we can do a good job at work, home, play, or helping others if we first do not take care of ourselves.

So today, I played with my art supplies. I didn't try to create a masterpiece. I laid out my stuff and just began to create. I felt my stress, tiredness, and anxiety leave my crazy-filled brain as I worked my tools not caring about the outcome. Here is what I did - just pages in my art journal.



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