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I am so proud of myself, or at least briefly I was

My author copies have finally come in. For autographed copies head over to the home page and click Shop or Books. Be sure to fill out the section on whom to make the book out to if you want them signed.

I am so proud of myself. Not just for publishing three books in 2020, but for figuring out a techie issue with my website all by myself. But that pride was short lived as I started to compose this post.

In December I tried to figure out how to upload and sell videos on my website. I called tech support and they told me what I needed to do. Not wanting to deal with the mental anguish over the holidays, I put the task off until I felt more brave. Since sleep did not coming last night or this morning, I decided to give it a try. My wide awake brain figured out the task quite easily, bringing joy to my heart. Simple things amuse me.

I also decided to write a post since I had been away for the last three weeks for various reasons. While figuring out computer issues isn't an adventure in the outdoorsy sense, for me, it is none-the-less quite an adventure and one I am proud of when time at the computer ends in success. You may have noticed when you logged on there was a new item on the home page - videos. Yes, it is for sale and you only get to preview the first twenty seconds, but I will let you in on a little secret. If you would like to see the complete video, you can jump over to YouTube and search Black Bear's Adventure where you can view the video in its entirety. I am not much of a sales person giving out that secret, but if you like the video and want to download it, I would appreciate and be grateful in your purchase of it.

As I said, my pride was short lived. Life always has a way of keeping us humble. That is pie I often eat. This time as I was getting ready to gloat, I was in fact, unable to write my words of self praise. While drafting the post I was able to type out the title and add a photo but the typing function was not enabled. Ugh!!!! I tried to post from the blog app platform on my phone, same issue. Instead of giving up, I just kept pushing buttons over and over with no luck. They do say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Finally after realizing I may be boarding on craziness, I logged out and worked on something else. Not wanting to admit defeat and still wide awake even though I should be cozied under the covers with hubby, I tried one last time to generate this post. As you can see, it worked because you are reading this.

I am far from being proficient with technology issues and so wish I could afford a live-in geeker, but sometimes it doesn't take skill to figure things out, just patience, something I also lack in but strive to improve all the time.

I do hope my next post will be a winter escapade, I do think about getting out there but there is one thing that keeps me grounded, the cold. While I look at fellow hikers' posts of snow frosted alpine trees set against crystal blue skies wishing I was there with them, my fingers are cold just sitting here in a warm home as I type this. But the call of the wild is deep in my heart and I am sure I will be out there sometime soon.

In the meantime, I will continue to tackle my computer challenges, promote my books and work on that patience I so lack.

Happy Hiking,


Health Update:

I have begun P90x. It is a strenuous and exillerating fitness program that has my muscles wishing I hadn't ever stopped working out and that was with modifying most of the exercises. And I have only done two days and needed a day off. Actually two days off. Yeah, I am that sore. I should post a before picture, but that ain't happening. I might do an after picture in 90 days - only time will tell.


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