Are we ever ready for anything?

In late July while out hiking in the Maine woods, I saw a red leaf on the trail. I was like, "Whoa, that's way to early. I am not ready to think about fall in July!" Then each passing week the fall foliage morphed from greens to a rainbow of hues. With each step-change, I woud repeat, "I am not ready for this." This past weekend New England showed her magnificant beauty as the chlorophyll died revealing vibrant shades of reds, oranges, and yellows. It's mid Ocotber, I should be ready for what is to come. But I am not. Then just today, our son, who lives in the New Hampshire mountains shared the photo below. I am definitely not ready for snow. While it is stunning, it also means long, cold, dark days are soon to follow - three elements that don't mix well with my phsyche.

I struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and just this spring I have felt my journey through depression the last several years has ended. It was a slow and agonizing trek. So, I am not ready to venture back into the depths of mental struggles. I do love the change of seasons, it's one reason I won't move from New England, but one can love something and still not be ready for it.
That got me thinking - are we ever ready for anything? There is an old saying that you can only be gauranteed of two things - taxes and death. I would like to add a third - change. No matter how much we would like things to remain the same, our circimstances will change. When things are great, we want them to stay that way, but they don't. When we are in the midst of struggles we wish things would be different - and they will be if we hang in there.
How we handle the current situation will more than likely determine the outcome. I can't stop winter from coming, but I can lesson the effects the shorter days will have on my mental status. There are proven strategies to help ward off (SAD). For almost every event life throws at us there is a multi-step program to help us get through whatever we are going through. Whether it is positive like a new job, new baby, new pet, to not so fun happenings like family crises, poor health, employment struggles, education deficits, or lost dreams and goals, there is a program to help.
We can plan all we want, but are we ever really ready. I don't know about you, but I will plan and plan and still my anxiety will get the best of me fretting about the last little detail. Well, that was the old me. The new me, has chilled - and not just because winter is coming. I have always loved God, but through my struggles, I have learned to put my trust in Him. My anxiety was off the charts and it was robbing me of my life and making it hard for those around me. The more I let go and let God, the more I saw what it was He wanted for me.
Philipians 4:6-7 (NAB) says, Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
It's not easy to put your trust in someone else, especially when that someone is omnipotent and immortal, unseen. But that's what faith is all about and there is power in letting God's grace fill your heart. It's also freeing. I like to do everything by myself and to control everything but I will get to a point where I can't keep doing it alone then I delegate responsibilities to others. When it comes to my faith, my own strength can only carry me so far. Then I get to the point where I delegate all my worries and anxieties to God. As I mature in my faith, I have started going to God first instead of a last resort. And in doing that, I have fewer worries and less anxiety. I let His grace calm me before worries get so great I become unable to function.
I still may not ever be ready for life's changes but placing my faith in God who is all knowing, loving, and caring, I am able to brace myself with His strentgh and that helps me to thrive in what is to come. Trusting God does not mean to become submissive and let the world walk over us. Instead of crawling into a ball and waiting for the storms to pass, I am able to see outside of myself and act. And action is how we use His strength to figure out what we are to do. Trusting in Him gives me strength to make that call for help. Trusting in Him gives me the wisdom to seek advice on whatever it is I am working on. Trusting in Him guides me through life's obstacles with a confidence I wouldn't have trying to navigate this journey here on Earth alone.
Next time you think you aren't ready for this... Look to Heaven and tell God you trust in Him. Then wait and listen. I bet you will hear a tiny whisper that says, You got this.
Happy Hiking,