Anyone have one of these on your fridge? And I am not talking about for your kids, this is mine. To go with it is the daily schedule. I...
The New Form of Currency
Happy Sunday everyone, wishing you all the blessings you desire in this time of isolation. I don't know about you, but Sundays are...
Miles of Smiles
Yesterday I told you I had a different sort of adventure planned for today, which was actually yesterday. But my time frame doesn't...
Meet Mr. Barney
In the spirit of social distancing, self-isolation, and forced quarantine. I will do my best to share sunshine and happy thoughts through...
Don't Panic
As we all are finding our lives turned upside down during this pandemic of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) lets all just take a breath of...
Please Retweet
I am pitching my children's book on a Twitter event today for unpublished authors. If you have a Twitter account would you so kindly...
I Finally Did It!!!
Yesterday I was so excited to write this post, but as usual, I experienced technical difficulties with technology. That, plus other...
Paralysis By Analysis
I mentioned in an earlier post how I joined the 20 in 20 Challenge. It is a commitment to do 20 Challenges in 2020. The group encourages...
Why Are We Attracted to the Bad?
Good beautiful morning everyone, I hope wherever you are and whatever you are doing, blessings are abundant. Lately it has been...
Happy New Year
It's almost mid January and I haven't wished you a Happy New Year. Well, shame on me! I have been busy enjoying Christmas, New Year's,...