Ziggy Tails: Paws on the Appalachian Trail S1 E9
Road trip! Wednesday, May 26, we packed up and headed South. We generally do not travel on holiday weekends. We live at a...
Ziggy Tails: Sorry Fields Pond S1 E8
Well, I am two weeks behind, almost anyway. If I didn’t write today it would be two weeks late. But what’s new. So, that means I will put...
It's okay to have ME time S1 E7
Ziggy is turning into one heck of hiking partner. We hit the trails almost every day last week. Mostly just up back on Mollie's Trail. If...
Ziggy Tails: Sometimes three is a crowd S1 E6
So far so good, another great week with Ziggy at my side. We even ended the week without having to do the dreaded puppy-hold. Nothing...
Ziggy Tails: A weekly diary S1 E5
Monday: What a chillin' day. Not too long ago, we had psycho puppy. Today you wouldn't even know it was the same dog. The day started out...